In today’s high-stakes world, performing under pressure is a critical skill. Whether you're leading a board meeting, making a high-profile presentation, or managing a demanding workload, staying composed under stress is what sets top leaders apart.
At KHPC, we help executives and professionals turn pressure into a powerful tool for success. Here are some strategies to help you thrive when the heat is on.
Recognise the Signs
Tip: Practice mindfulness to stay grounded in the moment.
Calming the Nervous System BEFORE the event
Reframe pressure as an opportunity
Tip: Remind yourself, “I’m in this position because I’ve earned it.”
Prepare for High-Stakes Scenarios
Tip: Conduct a dress rehearsal of your presentation or meeting, including potential challenges.
Create a Pre-Performance Routine
Tip: On the day, think about a physical and mental warm-up. Just a short set of exercises to get the voice and breathing going, and to get the mind focused and in the right place. Try a 5-minute visualisation of your success several times in the days before and on the morning of a task.
Reflect and Learn
Tip: Keep a performance journal to track growth and reduce anxiety about future events.